sábado, 30 de abril de 2022

The Entire X Men Timeline Explained. 🔥

The X-Men movies are a lot like the X-Men comics: dense, exciting, and often confusing. But for a while before the MCU was developed, they came to define exactly what a multi-film superhero franchise could be. The ongoing narrative of persecution and perseverance went backward and forward through time, splitting off into new realities, and occasionally flying off into outer space.

It all becomes a little hard to keep track of, so here’s the entire X-Men timeline, explained.

jueves, 28 de abril de 2022

The MCU Needs To Fix This ONE Thing! 🔥

The MCU has been pretty grounded up to this point when it comes to their storytelling. Yes we've had the Guardians and Thanos but I feel like the MCU needs to adapt and lean into the space opera aspect like we see in Marvel Comics. In this video, "The MCU Needs To Fix This ONE Thing!", I discuss exactly how the MCU could accomplish this. 

jueves, 21 de abril de 2022

50 Greatest WWE Superstars ★ Then and Now. 🤼

Can anything beat the excitement of watching an adrenaline-fuelled action-packed match between two burly professional wrestlers? We don't think so. World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. (WWE) is the largest wrestling promotion in the world, holding over 500 events a year, featuring internationally famous wrestlers. It is available to 900 million homes worldwide in 28 languages. 

In today's video, we honor the greatest stars of the WWE, who have endured countless injuries over the years for the sake of entertainment and truly deserved the recognition.

lunes, 18 de abril de 2022

Top 30 Action Stars Martial Arts. Then and Now. 🐉

Top 30 Action Stars Martial Arts ★ Then and Now.

Lycans, Hybrids, And Immortals - Underworld's Terrifying Creatures. 🦇

Underworld, the first part of the horror-action film franchise, was produced in 2003 by Len Wiseman and introduced novel mythology for lycans, also known as werewolves as well as their demonic counterparts, vampires. The franchise, which now consists of five films and a computer game, is noted for its original take on werewolves and vampires. 

The first film provides the fundamental premise that the others will develop on, the struggle of the vampires against the Lycans continues, and true origins are revealed. The evolution of the series, which stars Kate Beckinsale as the lead vampire protagonist Selene, exposes how astonishingly different the Lycans and vampires in it are from anyone else in the history of horror. Let us find out more about these dangerous and mysterious fictional beings.

domingo, 17 de abril de 2022

Steven Seagal vs Jean Claude Van Damme | Aikido vs Karate. 🐉

So in this video, we'd be putting up two men who have made a name for themselves by beating men to a pulp in their movies. But how will they fare against each other? It's Steven Seagal Versus Jean-Claude Van Damme. Who would win in a street fight?

sábado, 16 de abril de 2022

Movies That Could Have Been Big, But They Spent Too Much Money. 🎬

A lot goes into making a big-budget movie. From sets and props to wardrobe, makeup, and special effects — from its cast and crew to its producers, director, and everyone in-between — it truly takes a village to raise a blockbuster. One more thing that's absolutely pivotal to producing a hugely successful movie? The green stuff. And while some of the biggest and most expensive flicks in cinematic history have gone on to break the bank, earning far more than the studios that made them spent, just as many languish in unexpectedly lackluster returns. With that in mind, let's take a look at some movies that could have been big, but they spent too much money.

miércoles, 13 de abril de 2022

MCU Deaths That Would Destroy Fans The Most. 🦸

The MCU has been sailing along for some time now, and in this time the mega-franchise has accumulated a great many characters. In turn, many of these characters have grown beloved of the MCU's international fandom, but herein lies a problem: people don't live forever in real life, and so characters in movies (however super they may be) don't either. That's right! Fans have had to endure some horrible deaths among their super-favs over the years, and with more of these movies on the way, it's a sure thing that other heroes will pass away in grand and gutting fashion. Who's next on the chopping block? We don't know, but these are MCU deaths that would destroy fans the most.

martes, 12 de abril de 2022

Celebs Who Can't Stand Steven Seagal. 🎬

Steven Seagal was surely one of the most recognized action stars of the '90s. Movies like Under Siege, The Glimmer Man, and Fire Down Below made him a permanent fixture in the action movie genre. But behind the camera, the Aikido martial artist and actor has been hounded with countless lawsuits stemming from claims of employment discrimination, sexual harassment, and breach of contract. Naturally, his movie career took a big hit in the face of these allegations.

From these claims to unpleasant on-set interactions, many have claimed different reasons to avoid the actor. These are the celebs who can't stand Steven Seagal.

The Ending of The Walking Dead Season 11 Part 2 Explained. 🧟

The eleventh and final season of AMC's "The Walking Dead" is now two-thirds of the way over, with Episode 16, "Acts of God," getting biblical as it wraps up the second of three Season 11 installments. As swarms of locusts cloud the skies, the survivors are on the brink of an all-out war. 

At the center of it all is the Commonwealth, a collection of thriving settlements, and the Commonwealth's coin-tossing Deputy Governor, Lance Hornsby, who is searching for Maggie and the other Riverbend runaways. Can Maggie and the other survivors take fate into their own hands? This is the ending of "The Walking Dead" Season 11, Part 2, explained.

lunes, 11 de abril de 2022

10 Obscure But Fantastic Texas Chainsaw Massacre Facts. 😱

It is almost going to be fifty years since a relatively unknown director took the horror slasher genre by a storm! Tobe Hooper shocked and impressed the fans with The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and it set the tone for slasher flicks to follow in the late 70s and 80s. Moreover, it ignited the arrival of a legendary horror icon, Leatherface, a name that is taken in the same breath as the likes of Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, or Freddy Krueger. 

The movie was a showstopper at the box office and its grand success ensured that several sequels and reboots followed over the years. Although none of the successors could emulate the brilliance of the original, it did become a timeless horror franchise that is still intriguing for the fans, as you can see from the craze behind the recent release titled Texas Chainsaw Massacre. 

You may know everything about the cannibalistic psychopaths in the original movie, but there are certain things about the filming process that are relatively unknown and are sure to blow your mind. In this video, we bring you some of these shocking facts that many of the fans of this cult classic are unaware of. 

domingo, 10 de abril de 2022

Moon Knight Episode 2 BREAKDOWN & EASTER EGGS! 🌙

Moon Knight Episode 2 has been released and the internet is buzzing about the appearance of "Mr. Knight". In this video, "Moon Knight Episode 2 BREAKDOWN & EASTER EGGS", I breakdown the character of Mr. Knight from the comics and go over the differences and similarities we saw in Moon Knight episode 2 from how Mr. Knight is portrayed in the comics. Do you guys think the Moon Knight series did the comic Mr. Knight justice? If not, what would you have rather seen from Mr. Knight?

sábado, 9 de abril de 2022

Doctor Strange's Entire MCU Timeline Explained. 🔥

Owing to his position as a powerful sorcerer, Doctor Strange's story is anything but simple. He's died dozens of times, traversed dimensions, met gods, fought unfathomable horrors – and he's just getting started. As we wait for the release of "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness," catch up on the story with Doctor Strange's entire MCU timeline explained.

viernes, 8 de abril de 2022

Top 10 Spine-Chilling Horror Franchises That Redefined The Horror Genre. 🔪

Ah, the good old days of the 80s! People could get away with so much cheesy stuff in the movies, and B-movies enjoyed a Golden era. It seems like another world today, but back then it was so much fun to just put the critic’s hat away for a while and enjoy movies without judging them. Every random thing wasn’t considered offensive, and the horror fans enjoyed a dream run because it was an amazing decade in terms of the sheer quantity of horror movies that were released. 

The popular ones among these horror flicks spawned sequels faster than you could count one Mississippi, and over time this became known as the era of horror franchises. From remakes to reboots, the 80s delivered some of the finest classics that are loved even today. In this video, we will turn back the clock and revisit some of the genre-defining horror franchises that flourished back then.

jueves, 7 de abril de 2022

Top 15 Most Powerful Power Rangers Backstories Explored In Detail. 🔥

As the Power Rangers, young teens with spunk have waged the fight for good against the power of darkness over the years. But, if they had to battle one another, who would beat all the others and come out unscathed? Who is the most powerful Ranger of all time? The most formidable Ranger ought to be capable of giving as good as they got in a fight while also thinking intelligently in combat. They also require the proper spirit and morals of a true Power Ranger.

Over the years, most people have regarded the Red Rangers as the most powerful of all Rangers; several of the faces on this list are about the same as the ones who usually top the generally accepted ranking of Red Rangers. However, many other Rangers have time and again demonstrated far greater prowess than their commander. With this collection of the 15 Most Powerful Power Rangers, let's find out who the very best of the best are.

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2022

Actors Who Got Canned From The Star Wars Universe. 🚀

The far, far away galaxy of "Star Wars" legend is packed with countless iconic characters, each with their own culture, lore, and on-screen presence. And, it's hard to imagine what some of these quirky personalities would be without the talented men and women stepping into their skin — or scales — and lending their acting chops to the roles. But, as with any Hollywood production, not everyone involved in George Lucas' sprawling space opera franchise gets along. Sometimes, personal opinions, behind-the-scenes drama, and even acting snafus caused co-stars to fall out with one another — or with the companies working to make "Star Wars" the massive success that it is today. Jump into your cockpits, nerf herders, because today we're taking aim at actors who got fired from the "Star Wars" universe.

martes, 5 de abril de 2022

The 6 Best And 6 Worst Jackie Chan Movies. 🐉

The prolific actor has almost 150 movies on his resume, so it stands to reason that they can't all be gems. While Chan has been in some of the best of the best, a few of his movies don't measure up to the standards of the rest. These are the six best and six worst Jackie Chan movies.

domingo, 3 de abril de 2022

Bruce Willis: From Action Star To Tragic Retirement. 🎬

Bruce Willis has had the kind of multi-decade acting career that most acting hopefuls can only dream of. Whether you know him from his genre-defining leading roles in action films like the "Die Hard" franchise or are more partial to his subtly comedic roles in films like "Moonrise Kingdom" or "Cop Out," or even his dramatic, intense roles in films like "Unbreakable" or "16 Blocks," you can't deny his star power. However, for many fans, it came as a surprise that Willis has spent the last few years starring largely in direct-to-video action roles that don't seem to compare to his earlier work. Tragically, we now know the reason. This is the story of Bruce Willis: from action star to tragic retirement.

viernes, 1 de abril de 2022

30 Kung Fu Stars Then And Now [How They Changed] 🐉

Today you will see how the most famous Kung Fu Stars changed. Some of them have grown old, someone looks completely over their years; it's all about sports or do they know some secrets of youth?
Kung Fu Stars Then and Now

Yuen Biao: The Tai Chi Legend in Epic Fight Scenes! 🐲

Yuen Biao: The Tai Chi Legend in Epic Fight Scenes!