miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2022

Female Fighters Beating Up Guys. 🥊

If it’s one thing that we’ve learned in the past year is that you never know what’s around the corner. And when that corner is also hiding a high kick to the face, well, you can kinda assume that one will take a second look before blindly turning any corner after that!

martes, 29 de noviembre de 2022

Try Not To Laugh At These Funny Moments in Sports. 😂

In the world of MMA and Boxing you can never be too sure how things are going to pan out. Who will win? Will it be an exciting match that lasts the distance, or a knockout in the first 30 seconds? We all like to get our money’s worth, right? Well sometimes we get more than our money’s worth, and we get a few laughs thrown in. In this video we are going to take a look at some clips of some of the funnier events that happen in the fighting world.

lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2022

10 Unexpected Moments in MMA and Boxing. 👊

MMA, and Boxing serve as some of the most stunning and dynamic sports the world has to offer. Amazing athletes taking themselves to the limits in the name of the competition, and for our entertainment. However, with such a rambunctious sport, comes a healthy amount of unpredictability. Here are 10 unexpected moments in MMA and Boxing.

martes, 22 de noviembre de 2022

Most Funniest Karate Moments. 🥋

Karate is a pretty serious martial art, Jackie Chan and Jet Li sure don't make it look unserious. But every sport has its funny moments that we can't just help but laugh at.  So in today's video, we will take a look at some funny moments in karate that are sure to crack you up. 

domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2022

Cocky Fighters Getting Destroyed | Karma. 🥊

Taunting and teasing have become an exciting part of fighting, just before they enter the ring and sometimes while in the ring. We're all for teasing and taunting only if you can put your money where your mouth is, and in this case where your muscle is. While some can pull it off and still win, some, however, cannot. They are all mouth no action leaving them defeated, humiliated, and disrespected. There is a popular saying that says "Pride goes before a fall", guess they didn't know about that. Well in today's video, we will take a look at cocky fighters who got destroyed despite all their taunting, teasing, and overconfidence. This resulted in them losing the fight, and oftentimes, the respect of the audience.

miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2022

Why Bokken Is Effective in A Street Fight. 🥋

Bokken is a wooden sword that is used instead of real weapons. Just because it isn't made of metals or has a sharp edge, many think that it is safe to use. But the reality is totally different. The fact is "Bokken" is more lethal than a sword. So, will Bokken help you in a street fight?  Today we will be hovering through the effectiveness of a bokken in a street fight. So, without wasting any more time let's get started:

martes, 8 de noviembre de 2022


Some fighters take it way too far when it comes to intimidating their opponents! Some even act as if they are in no pain, until moments later when they are destroyed by their opponents in a rather brutal manner! So are you also excited? Then sit back and make sure to stick with me till the end of the video so that you don't miss anything! Also, don't forget to hit the subscribe and bell icon button.

lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2022

9 Biggest Fighters You Don't Want to Mess With. 💪

Here are some of the biggest MMA, Boxing and Wrestling fighter ever! 
If you've ever had a conversation with someone about fighting, there is always one statement that is bound to be spoken. “Don't underestimate a fighter's size.” Of course, we all know this to be true. Look at Bruce Lee or Oscar De La Hoya. These guys are on the lower side of five feet and weigh next to nothing, yet are deadly in their own right.

domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2022

Sammo Hung vs Donnie Yen | Karate vs Wing Chun. 🐲

Today, we'll be comparing two legends in martial arts, Sammo Hung and Donnie Yen, and see how they stack up against each other. Due to the extensive accomplishments of both men in the field of martial arts and cinema, there's a lot to cover in today's video.

sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2022

viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2022

Why Capoeira Is Effective In a Street Fight. 🇧🇷 🇦🇴

Well, in today's video, we will be looking at how and why Capoeira is effective in a streetfight, so if you ever learned Capoeira or you wish to, then take a bit and stick till the end of the video.

miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2022

7 Martial Arts for Self Defense. 🥋

There are countless reasons why somebody may decide to train in martial arts. That said, one of the top and most common reasons is so that they can learn moves that can protect them from harm, or even potentially save their life one day. If you are interested in taking up a martial arts discipline for its self defense techniques, it's crucial to understand that some martial arts disciplines are definitely more effective than others in fending off violent physical attacks. In this video we are going to list just 7 of the best of these disciplines.

martes, 1 de noviembre de 2022

This Woman So Strong, No One Can Beat Her! 💪

Gabi Garcia is a freak of nature. Standing at 6-feet-2 inches, and weighing a staggering 235 pounds, she is one fearsome woman. A professional martial artist with a specialty in Jiu-Jitsu, Gabi Garcia has also tasted a significant amount of success in MMA.She currently has a 7 and O record. One of the bouts was a no contest, 4 of the remaining six were won by submission and 2 were concluded by technical knockouts. As a result, Garcia remains undefeated in Female Mixed Martial Arts.
And that begs the question, with a physique like hers, how would she fare in the men's division of MMA?

Yuen Biao: The Tai Chi Legend in Epic Fight Scenes! 🐲

Yuen Biao: The Tai Chi Legend in Epic Fight Scenes!