lunes, 23 de enero de 2023

How to Fight Someone Bigger and Stronger Than You. 💪

In an ideal scenario, you would be able to resolve most conflicts without getting into a physical fight or resorting to violence. But what if the other person won’t leave things alone? To make things worse, what if they are bigger than you? When faced with a bigger opponent, you are going to be at a disadvantage from the start, but not all hope is lost. In this video we are going to take a look at some of the things you can do to defend yourself and even possibly win that fight.

domingo, 22 de enero de 2023

REAL FIGHT - John Wick VS Jason Bourne. 🔥

John Wick and Jason Bourne are two of the most formidable assassins in their respective media empires, but who is the ultimate action movie fighter? To help you decide, we're breaking down the background and fighting skills of these iconic characters.

sábado, 21 de enero de 2023


Watch our Top 10 Best Action Scenes from Marvel movies including Captain America, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Doctor Strange, Guardians of The Galaxy, Iron Man, Avengers and Deadpool.

jueves, 19 de enero de 2023

Top 20 Most Rewatched Action Movie Scenes Ever. 👊

We need to see that again! For this list, we’ll be looking at scenes in action movies that were entertaining or stylish, or have some behind-the-scenes element that’ll make you want to watch it more than once. Our countdown includes "The Matrix", "Mad Max: Fury Road", "Speed", "Casino Royale", "Die Hard", and more! Let us know in the comments which action scenes YOU’VE rewatched over and over again! 

martes, 17 de enero de 2023

Ultimate Jet Li Fights. 🐲

Jet Li was a national Wushu champion in China and won fifteen gold medals fighting against adults. He was 12 at the time. Later he was asked to be the personal bodyguard of US President Nixon. 

Jet Li turned down the offer, probably out of concern that he might start World War 3 by kicking so much butt. Nicknamed jet because of his lightning fast speed, he shows that the size of your bench press has no bearing on the outcome in the arena of combat. 

Muscle mass is no match for jet speed and fine-tuned technique, the corner stone of an Elite Outcome. This video celebrates some of his best fights. Enjoy!

lunes, 16 de enero de 2023

Top 10 Greatest Bruce Lee Fight Scenes of All Time. 🐉

This martial arts master has too many scenes to choose from! For this list, we’ll be looking at those fight scenes that helped immortalize Bruce Lee. Our countdown includes “Fist of Fury”, "Enter the Dragon", “The Big Boss”, and more! Which is your favorite Bruce Lee fight?

domingo, 15 de enero de 2023

8 Fake Masters Getting Destroyed by Real Fighters | Fake MMA | 👊

Have you ever seen or heard about a so-called Martial arts fighters specialist getting destroyed by real mma fighters and exposed during a fight? If you haven’t, that’s what we’ve got for you in this video.

sábado, 14 de enero de 2023

REAL FIGHT - Michael Jai vs Chuck Norris | Karate Vs Chun Kuk Do. 🔥

Which one is better: Michael Jai White or Chuck Norris? It's difficult to compare these two fighters directly, as they have different styles and approaches to martial arts. White is known for his expertise in a wide range of styles, including Karate and Kung fu, while Norris is more focused on his Chun Kuk Do style. 

Both fighters have dedicated their lives to mastering their craft and have achieved significant success in their respective fields. Ultimately, it's a matter of personal preference whether you prefer White's diverse style or Norris' more specialized approach. Both fighters have proven themselves to be talented and dedicated martial artists, and they will continue to be remembered as legends in the world of martial arts.

viernes, 13 de enero de 2023

20 MMA Glitched Moments You Wouldn't Believe Caught On Camera. 🥊

In this video, we'll take a look at 20 of the most memorable MMA glitch moments. One such moment occurred during a fighter's ring entrance. As he tried to make his way into the ring, his legs malfunctioned and he fell to the ground in a painful-looking tumble. Another glitch occurred when a referee mistakenly raised the hand of the losing fighter instead of the winner.

domingo, 8 de enero de 2023

BLOOD AND BONE Best Fight Scenes | Michael Jai White. 🔥

Ex-con Isaiah Bone is the new force in LA's underground street scene. With a score to settle and a ruthless mob boss, Bone's most brutal showdown lies ahead. Bone ignites some of the hottest high-octane fight scenes ever.

viernes, 6 de enero de 2023


A mercenary gets involved in a mission that threatens the lives of his kin. In order to succeed, he must break into one of the most wellguarded prisons in Eastern Europe and free the son of the most notorious drug lord in the world today.

jueves, 5 de enero de 2023

☯ Donnie Yen Vs Sammo Hung -SPL(Kill zone) HD ☯

Great Fight scene from  SPL: Sha Po Lang is a 2005 Hong Kong-Chinese action film written and directed by Wilson Yip, starring Donnie Yen , Sammo Hung , Wu jing and Simon Yam .

miércoles, 4 de enero de 2023

JET LI | Best Fight Moments Compilation. 🐉

Jet Li is one of the best martial arts superstar in the world.. Check out our tribute compilation mashup of some of the greatest moments from the charismatic wushu champion martial arts action movie star!

lunes, 2 de enero de 2023

10 Martial Arts for Self Defense. 🔥

There are several reasons why you may want to learn martial arts. Maybe for self-discipline or to increase confidence. But one of the major reasons why most martial arts are developed is for self-defense. Martial arts teach you how to be aware of your environment and prepare against attacks whether armed or unarmed. It is important to know that not all martial arts are created equally and the effectiveness also depends on your level of mastery and the situation you find yourself in.  

Yuen Biao: The Tai Chi Legend in Epic Fight Scenes! 🐲

Yuen Biao: The Tai Chi Legend in Epic Fight Scenes!