jueves, 30 de junio de 2022

Shi Yan Ming vs Yi Long | Shaolin Kung Fu vs Kung Fu. 🐉

Shaolin monks are highly spiritually disciplined and well trained with centuries of strict tradition behind them. The Shaolin monks train boys at a very young age and Kung fu practitioners believe that their traditional methods of training are the best and their instructors are always right. The histories of these styles and their founders are passed down orally, which makes the sound near god-like. So the question is would a real Shaolin Monk be able to beat a self taught ‘Shaolin Monk’ in a fight. In this video we are going to take a look at Shi Yan Ming, the real Shaolin Monk, and Yi Long, the self taught ‘Shaolin Monk,’ and try to answer the question, who would win?

domingo, 26 de junio de 2022

Nathan Jones vs Martyn Ford | Two Giants Full Fight. 💪

When it comes to a battle of the biggest, strongest men in the fighting world, there are many to choose from. All with different shapes and sizes. Bodybuilders, wrestlers, mixed martial artists, the list goes on. There are also, it seems, a great deal of actors in that list who manage to seal their roles based on their size, but how do they get to that size in the first place? In this video we are going to take a look at two mammoth monsters of the fighting world, Nathan Jones and Martyn Ford, and try to answer the question, who would win in a fight?

sábado, 25 de junio de 2022

10 Times Fighters Refused to Hit Their Opponent. 👊

Fans of combat sports are there for a good show, so when one or both fighters decide they don’t want to hit the other, things can get even more heated outside of the ring. In today’s video, we will take a look at ten fighters who refused to hit their opponent. But before we do, don’t forget to hit the subscribe button and ring the notification bell. That way, you will never miss one of our future fight related videos.

viernes, 24 de junio de 2022

When Referees Get Knocked Out. 🥊

When it comes to boxing, we expect to see people getting punched in the face. But there have been a few moments where the fighters get carried away, confused or straight up enraged – resulting in the referee being on the receiving end of a powerful hit.

jueves, 23 de junio de 2022

Jackie Chan vs Donnie Yen | Unbelievable fight | Wu-Shu vs Wing Chun. 🐉

Jackie Chan needs no special introduction. The man has been the face of martial arts in Hollywood for decades now. And if you have been paying attention to Hollywood recently, then you must have picked up the face of Donnie Yen, who started in the 2016 Star Wars movie "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story".Both men are consummate martial arts actors in their own right. But what happens when they go up against each other in a Mixed Martial Arts fight? Who do you fancy to come out tops? In today’s video, we’ll be looking at each fighter’s strengths and weaknesses to figure out who would win if they ever went into the ring together.

martes, 21 de junio de 2022

Why Size Doesn't Matter in Fighting. 💪

In the world of fighting, there are short opponents, tall opponents, big and small opponents. When you see the smaller guys, you automatically assume that they don’t stand a chance, right? Well, don’t be too sure about that, looks can be very deceiving. With a little experience, the smaller opponent can use their height disadvantage to actually take the upper hand in any fight. There really are some benefits to being smaller, and as the saying goes, “the bigger they are, the harder they fall”. In this video we are going to take a look at a few clips that we think teach the bigger guys a few lessons.

lunes, 20 de junio de 2022

Don't Mess with Wing Chun Master | How to become a Wing Chun Master. 👊

Wing Chun is a concept-based traditional Southern Chinese Kung Fu style and a form of self- defense that requires quick arm movements and strong legs to defeat opponents. It is one of the youngest and most contemporary styles of Kung Fu, having been constantly refined and adapted over its 300 years of existence. 

The style uses kicks, sweeps, elbows, palm strikes, punches, trapping and control techniques as part of its fighting arsenal. Wing Chun differed greatly from other Kung Fu styles of the time. It was not based on imitation, such as directly copying animal movements, but on natural, scientific laws, eliminating unnecessary movements to overcome and generate force in the most efficient way. In this video we are going to take a closer look at the training and time involved to become a Wing Chun Master.

domingo, 19 de junio de 2022

Kung Fu Monk vs UFC Fighters | Kung Fu vs MMA. 🐲

Chinese martial arts...Many have braved to try and master it. And so many have failed miserably. It’s not something you can just pick up and practice for a week, a month, a year...no, it’s a lifestyle.
The UFC is filled with mixed martial artists and their styles offer a wide array of movements and specialties.

sábado, 18 de junio de 2022

miércoles, 15 de junio de 2022

Michael Jai White vs Wesley Snipes | Taekwondo vs Karate. 🥊

We all love a good action film or to see our comic book superhero on the big screen, and there have been many to choose from over the years. Nowadays, most celebrities are very conscious about their health and fitness. So what better way to keep the body in prime condition than to practice martial arts. An actor, for instance, can be trained in some form of martial arts to make his action scenes look authentic. Many celebrities have taken to martial arts as a way of life. Some even go to lengths like spending months training with professional fighters and some of the best martial artists in the world. Then there are another set of actors who’ve adopted martial arts as a way of life even before achieving fame and success. In this video we are going to take a look at two of these people and try and answer the question, who would win in a street fight between Michael Jai White and Wesley Snipes?

martes, 14 de junio de 2022

Pei Mei vs Bolo Yeung | Kung fu vs Kung fu. 🐉

It's Pei Mei from Kill Bill versus the legendary Bolo Yeung. What do you think? How would these two dudes fare in combat? We're about to find out in this video, so be sure to watch till the end.

domingo, 12 de junio de 2022

7 Martial Arts for Self Defense. 🥋

Martial arts have been a staple in many societies for many centuries. Mainstream ideals of martial arts usually cause the average person to think of something like Karate or Kung Fu. However, fighting styles are not just relegated to a certain region. Places like Russia, France, India, Brazil, America...all have their own unique forms of martial arts. But, these art forms are more than just something to be taught in random schools. They offer practical ways to defend yourself against attackers of all sorts. So, with so many to choose from, which is best?

martes, 7 de junio de 2022

Don't Mess With This Shaolin Monk. 🐉

Liu Xingjun, also better known as Yi Long or One Dragon, is a Kung Fu fighter out of the Shandong Province in China. He is often touted as a Shaolin Monk. Shaolin Kung Fu is the largest school or style of Kung Fu in China with many styles in southern and northern China using the name of Shaolin. After his father told him great stories of Chinese martial arts, Yi Long decided he wanted to become a fighter and began training at the age of 14 years old. He became a large advocate of traditional martial arts, with a record of 43 fights with 36 wins, 7 losses and 1 draw. In this video we are going to take a closer look at Yi Long, and see what it is that makes him such a great fighter.

sábado, 4 de junio de 2022

This Is Why Wing Chun Illegal In MMA. ☯️

The sport of MMA has exploded in over the last 15 years. Fighters come together and compete in various art forms, hence the name Mixed Martial Arts. The most popular art forms that viewers will see are Brazilian JuJitsu, Judo, Muay Thai, and boxing. Every once in a while, you can even see some other lesser-known art forms such as kempo, french savate, and even capoeira. There have even been a couple of instances where Shaolin kung fu has made an appearance. That's the beauty of this sport.

9 Most Powerful Martial Arts in the World. 🐉

9 Most Powerful Martial Arts in the World.

viernes, 3 de junio de 2022

Taekwondo vs Kickboxing | Unbelievable fight. 🥋

Taekwondo and Kickboxing are 2 fighting styles that utilise the legs to devastating effect. However both are very different in their practice as well as their origins. What the two fighting formats have in common is that both are highly popular and when used correctly can be a very effective form as self defence and if necessary offence. What we’re going to look at in this video is the origins of both art forms, the differences between them, which is better and which would win in a fight.

miércoles, 1 de junio de 2022

7 Fastest Martial Artists in the World. 🥋

In his time, Bruce Lee was regarded as the fastest martial artist in the world. And the proof of that is there to be seen in many of his videos. He was, to put it lightly, superhuman. But who is the fastest martial artist in the world right now? Well, in this video, we're about to identify the fastest martial artists on the planet. Number one will surprise you. So be sure to watch till the end.

Yuen Biao: The Tai Chi Legend in Epic Fight Scenes! 🐲

Yuen Biao: The Tai Chi Legend in Epic Fight Scenes!